Tyrone LGFA recommends that anyone coaching Ladies Gaelic football has at least completed a “FUNdamentals” coaching course. Tyrone Ladies Gaelic Football Association are running this course on Saturday 9th December in Drumragh 10am-4pm.
The Ladies Gaelic ‘FUNdamentals’ coaching course is a mix of theory and practical elements delivered in a fun and dynamic way. All participants are fully involved in the course and the key aim is to be as interactive as possible.
The FUNdamentals course comprises of 4 units, 2 of which are practical:
- Good Coaching Practice
- ABC’s of Ladies Gaelic Football
- Group Management and Child Protection
- Coaching a Session
Coaches will look at issues such as planning and implementing training programmes geared specifically at Ladies football as well as practical coaching and an introduction into the player pathway. These units will provide a good basis for further development for those already coaching or those who are keen to get involved. All participants must be 16 years or older.
The course will be free and this includes resources, certification and refreshments. Anyone interested please contact Neamh (07749448231) before Thursday 30th November.