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Drumragh G4MOs to host Sports And Family Fun Day

By Patrick Griffin Mon 29th Jul

Drumragh G4MOs to host Sports And Family Fun Day
Drumragh G4MOs to host Sports And Family Fun Day

Drumragh Gaelic For Mothers And Others are hosting a Sports And Family Fun Day at Clanabogan Park on Saturday, August 10, from 12noon t0 4pm, and everyone is invited to come along to what is sure to be a great day. All proceeds raised going back into the club.

At Drumragh, we are centred around supporting club members big and small in an inclusive environment for all.

Entry to the fun day is £5 per adult, and £3 for children under 14, with a maximum payment of £20 per family. For your entry fee, you will get access to:

  • Sports day events for U6, U10, U16 and over 16, something for everyone. Every race will have a medal for first, second and third
  • For those not as interested in sport day, we have a treasure hunt and face painting
  • Parish mile
  • Tug of war

On the day there will also be a barbecue on offer with burgers (£3) and hot dogs (£2.50). The shop will also be open, and there will even be popcorn. So come with an empty tummies and leave full.

We will also be running a few other activities on the side for a small fee, and prizes will be on offer for the overall winners on the day for the following:

  • Guess the number of sweets in the jar
  • Name the teddy with a chance to win it
  • Longest kick
  • Poc Fada
  • Penalty shoot out

Not forgetting what will likely be the highlight for many: ‘Sponge The Coach’ with the prize being a chance to soak the coach!

As if that is not enough fun for all the family, we will end the day with a raffle and there will be some great prizes to be won – PT sessions, O’Neills vouchers and much more.

So why not come along support the club while having some good old-fashioned family fun at the same time.

By Patrick Griffin Mon 29th Jul

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