Back in March, Drumragh had to complete the Risk Assessment Safeguarding Statement. Part of this process requires that Drumragh Sarsfields reviews and updates our policies in accordance with our Code of Behaviour (Underage). Our policies, procedures and our legislative requirements are agreed and they are clearly stated on the Child Safeguarding Statement, which is binding on our members.
We would also like to bring your attention to the new posters on anti-bullying. These are prominently displayed throughout the clubrooms. We ask that you spend a little time to read this with your child. Coaches and the Children’s Officer have spoken to each of our youth groups ensuring that this poster and its message is not ignored.
In this age of social media, our young people have access to many social media websites, it’s great to be able to contact our friends and team mates at the touch of a finger tap. However, it is so very easy to get caught up in inappropriate behaviour when online. Please, speak to your children how to remain safe when using social media, use appropriate language within the correct context.