From: £20.00 / month

How to join Club Drumragh

Our aim is to make this as simple as possible and we have 4 options to choose from. Our preferred method is to purchase online through our secure payment system. You can also download a Standing Order, pay by Electronic Bank Transfer (EFT) or pay by Cheque.

Pay by credit or debit card


Pay by Standing Order

Download a Standing Order form here: Club Drumragh Standing Order Form

Please return completed standing order forms to any committee member.

Pay by electronic bank transfer (EFT)

Using your preferred online banking provider, using the below bank account details:

Payee: Drumragh GFC ‘Club Drumragh’
Account number: 80260371
Sort Code: 95-06-79
Bank: Danske Bank, 5 – 7 Market Street, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, BT78 1BN

Supporters’ name should be referenced so it appears on the bank statement.

Pay by Cheque

Contact Eimhear Maguire
+44 (0) 7739 312 495